Proverbs 1:5
let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance
14. I’ve heard you guys say before that apathy and commitment are major issues in our Indiana culture. Is this an Indiana problem, a Living Faith problem, or something else? how does it affect our church?
-We choose to not commit to doing anything until the last moment, because something better or more fun might come along.
-We struggle with this hard core whenever we ask people to come out for building workdays or to volunteer for first impressions or kid zone, both crucial ministries to our congregation.
-We struggle with this when people visit our church and several others trying to “find the right community” unfortunately it’s easier to keep visiting three than to commit to the local church and make a difference.
-We view all necessary meetings we committed to as optional. Come hell or high water our culture says it’s better to stay home than to stay committed.
-I would rather be a consumer within our church than a contributor and coworker for the kingdom.