January 26, 2025
Romans 8:12-17
Proverbs 12:1-11
These words, phrase after phrase are telling us, all of us, what it is to carry the responsibility of nobility.
To walk in a manner worthy of the authority granted us by our Father.
That our role in our families, our communities, and our society, is to serve and work hard, to speak wisdom and encouragement, to respond to others with prudence and reservation, and to walk in righteousness.
So ladies if you want to be an authority who is respected in your workplace or a woman respected by your children and your husband, be worthy of their respect. Step up and carry yourself as someone who is worthy. Because you are a child of the King and you are responsible for the impact of the Spirit in your home, in this church, and in your communities.
And men, if you want any woman, friend, wife, or daughter, to proudly consider herself a crown of noble character in your life, then you best be acting like our King Jesus.
Don’t settle for a woman that your friends and family don’t respect.
Encourage your friends men and women around you that they are worthy of respect.
And show them with your actions that they are worthy of YOUR respect.
Because the choices that you make, the words that you say and the way that you show up or don’t at all, deeply impacts the people sitting next to you right here, and generally in your life.
#1 Taking ownership of our walks with Christ
Let us not be negligent of our souls
- A soul that is not neglected can impact, seeing God as bigger than anything we’re facing or dealing with.
- With temptation, when our soul is not neglected then temptation is not as alluring because your soul is satisfied and is not searching for more.
- When we as people are neglected we can at times look for something (that's) counterfeit.
- “Fools mock at making amends for sin, but goodwill is found among the upright.” Proverbs 14:9 NIV
- “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 NIV
- Attitude of your heart: “Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy.” Proverbs 14:10 NIV
- Men: be vulnerable. I beg you
- Women: you are responsible for how you feel about things. It’s not done to you. You have control.
Practically Speaking
- Initiating - being a good steward and good teacher
- Giving space - so that others can take the opportunity to be invited into what God is doing.
- Offering God our best, not our leftovers
- Sit with God to get the direction that you need.
- Be vulnerable. I beg you.
- Doing what you can, but ultimately trusting those people you lead are in Gods hands.
- You are responsible to take how you feel to the Lord.
- Know who you are as the beloved daughter of God.
#2 Being selfless and sacrificial
- Ephesians 4:17-24 NIV
- Rhythms of sacrifice in fasting to set things aside, and fill it with time with the Lord.
- Doing things that give life and serve others
Living simply so we can give extravagantly
- Living freely in the spirit with your resources including your time.
- Proverbs 13:7 NIV
- Be prayerful about where you’re investing your time.
- How can you invest your time and resources into the things you are passionate about. Discipleship, family, hobbies or trades, and outreach?
There is nothing wrong with pursuing a career that earns money. In fact, as leaders in communities, we should take responsibility for providing for our people. Our families' needs at home, and providing funding for the ministry that we’re called to.
- “A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied. Proverbs 13:4 NIV
- What makes that wrong is when you LIVE for a career that makes money.
- This time, these resources, God has placed in our care, but ultimately it belongs to Him and comes from Him. So we cannot be so possessive, entangled or entitled to it that we hinder what God wants to do with what we have. God blesses us, and requires of us to be good stewards.
- Not to say live the bare minimum, go hard and go all out, but do it in humility and with generosity.
- Give the glory to God.
- Give your time generously, work hard, and live for the Lord, not your careers to prove your worth.
- Empty yourselves and serve out of the joy of the Lord not from just yourselves.
#3 Faithfulness in our everyday lives
- If you are a follower of Jesus. The way you show up should be a direct reflection of the way that Jesus shows up for his people.
- Working as unto the Lord
Colossians 3:23-24 NIV
- Be Reliable.
- The Influence that you carry in the people around you.
- When you are showing up and speaking encouragement it creates consistency, support and space for vulnerability in people.
- When you show up and speak the same kind of encouragement it creates a level of security and freedom in people’s hearts.
People need both.
The security and vulnerability only come when men and women are living steadfast and responsible lives to influence the community for the gospel.
I will be active in my God given responsibilities to family ministry and work, and pray about the places I have taken a passive backseat.
I will spend time praying about what my limitations are, live up to my potential, and ask for help in the gaps.
I will ask my discipler to speak into the gaps of responsibility in my life.