When everything is going well, we generally consider ourselves “faithful” people. Normally faithful means, remaining loyal and steadfast. Unmovable. One fact about me I am a loyal Pittsburgh Pirate fan. I remain faithful when they win or lose. I am faithful to my wife; she can depend on me. I am a faithful CASE knife collector. I don’t buy inferior brands of knives. All these instances are used as adjectives on the English language. Faithful can also be used as a noun. The pastor can stand up here today and say I need all the faithful pray this week for a specific cause. And in those circumstances, we identify ourselves as part of a group or organization. In our story today we see a form of being faithful that I am going to call RADICAL faithful. Paul has made a decision to forsake all logical solutions to obtain his freedom in order the present the gospel to one more lost person, the Emperor of Rome, Nero Cesar. I term Paul’s faith as RADICAL because he had signed a blank check. Do you understand what I am saying. He agreed to be 100% part of Gods plan for him. No questions, no doubts, no second thoughts, no wavering, no cold feet. Whatever God asked from Paul was going to be the direction that Paul steered his life.
Do you have RADICAL faith? To you and me today this thing we call faith is our response to what God has revealed about himself. RADICAL faith always needs an object, and God and His truth is that object.
RADICAL faith drives the Christian to imitate Jesus at all costs and that’s where we need to be today. So, hang on because today we are going to see examples of RADICAL faith from Paul.
All Aboard! The journey to Rome begins. Vs. 1-3
Details of the journey. Vs. 4-8
Bad decision (s) Vs. 13
Okay how about some RADICAL faith in action. Vs. 21
RADICAL faith also has local solutions. It’s tangible. The ship began to get closer to land. Remember Paul said the ship must run ashore and it would be lost. But as they were getting closer to shore some of the sailors decided that they would get into the life boat and row to shore instead of being in a ship that was going to crash and sink. But the Policeman and his crew were warned by Paul that no one could leave the ship or perhaps everyone would drown. But tangible solutions. Paul, remember he’s a prisoner on this ship, calls the crew to him and encourages them that after two weeks of no food they need to make a sandwich and build up their strength because you’re all going to be okay. None of you will perish. Not a hair from your head will be lost. RADICAL faith that God would get them through this storm. So, they get some bread to eat and what does Paul do? He prays of course giving thanks for the food. All 276 people on board ate till they were full.
Finally, it’s daylight. Vs. 39 Our text finishes with the statement that ALL were brought safely to land.
Your circumstances may not be good today. In fact, your life may be a dumpster fire and you have to look up just to see the bottom. God is always faithful and keeps His promise to you and me. Hang on and don’t give up. You can be an encourager when others are facing a shipwreck in their lives.